###### tags: `software` # AMS quick usage guide * 2024/04/22開始台灣杉三號作業系統更換作業,至2024/04/27轉換完成。請參見公告 [台灣杉三號新作業系統Rocky Linux 8即日起上線服務,新舊系統重要轉換時程請用戶特別注意](https://iservice.nchc.org.tw/nchc_service/nchc_service_news_content.php?contentId=974112&type=all_content&newsId=55314) * 轉換期間,請先確定自己所在登入節點為何,是新的作業系統 Rocky Linux 8,還是舊的 Centos Linux 7。 * 轉換期間請將工作派送至`trans`partition,原先`ctest、ct56、ct224、ct560、ct2k、ct8`停止接收新計算工作。 * 新的module system為了使查詢畫面簡潔,實施階層式分類,使用上習慣 從 ``` module load adf/2022.104-intelmpi-intel ``` 改為 ``` module load adf module load 2022.104-intelmpi-intel ``` ~~* 轉換期間舊環境(RQ用戶及lgn303)下要載入舊的模組,使用原有`module load adf/2022.104-intelmpi-intel-oldenv`指令載入模組,舊的模組名稱會加上`-oldenv`後綴做為區隔。~~ * 2024/4/29 圖形化互動節點lgn303已升級至Rocky Linux 8,請使用階層方式分兩次載入新的模組(沒有-oldenv後綴)。 ~~* 2024/4/24 圖形化互動節點lgn303,仍維持Centos 7.9,請使用有-oldenv的模組~~ * 隨者OS升級作業,會陸續配合系統調整模組,請持續注意此文件更新。 * 目前使用vglrun會有錯誤,請先直接使用GUI程式 ``` X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 150 () Minor opcode of failed request: 3 Value in failed request: 0x0 Serial number of failed request: 8 Current serial number in output stream: 8 ``` ![](https://man.twcc.ai/_uploads/H1A1A63ZA.png) ## Issue Description ## MoTTY X11 proxy: No authorisation provided ``` 09:15:48 p00acy00@lgn303:~$ module load adf/2021.102-intelmpi 09:16:00 p00acy00@lgn303:~$ vglrun amsview [VGL] ERROR: Could not open display :0. 09:16:16 p00acy00@lgn303:~$ ``` The problem was a missing entry in ~/.Xautority on the Linux machine. You can check the entry in ~/.Xautority with the `xauth list`. ``` 09:15:21 p00acy00@lgn303:~$ xauth list lgn303:21 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 6d85f8c816088f46914ec0bd6700c6e3 lgn303.nchc-2020-hpc/unix:21 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 6d85f8c816088f46914ec0bd6700c6e3 ``` In the aforementioned case, we should take :21. You can run ams GUI app in the following commands. ``` vglrun -d :21 amsview vglrun -d :21 amsinput vglrun -d :21 amsjob ``` ![](https://man.twcc.ai/_uploads/SkqrNqwbA.png) ## How to add entry in ~/.Xautority (experimental!!!) The last hex-number is 32 characters long. You can create your own (quite) random number on the Linux shell with one of these commands: ``` mcookie uuidgen -r | sed s/-//g head -c 16 /dev/urandom | xxd -p ``` You probably shouldn't edit the file directly, use the `xauth add` command: `xauth add :0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 27e035688dd89483c6fe48b2470172f5` or `xauth add lgn303:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 27e035688dd89483c6fe48b2470172f5` # Unverified!!!!!!! [HPC benchmark input files for ADF](https://www.scm.com/wp-content/uploads/ADF_HPC_benchmark_inputs.zip)