--- title: "Linux 系統管理慣例" tags: sysadm lang: zh-TW --- {%hackmd ByNgJpz5kg %} <style type="text/css"> h1 { color: #936; } h2 { color: #C03; } h3 { color: #F63; } </style> # Linux 系統管理慣例 / Convention for Linux System Administration - Compiled by Z \<z AT narlabs DOT org DOT tw\> - Status: "Draft Version", NOT yet complete :::warning The best sysadmins don't have daily tasks. We're working on projects to improve automation, monitoring, capacity planning, etc. Everyday activities are "[Toil](https://sre.google/sre-book/eliminating-toil/)" and eliminating them should be the goal of your projects. Of course, there's always some toil. It's the generalization about what the work is about is important.\ 好的系統管理人員並不會有(太多的)例行工作。我們專注在改善自動化、監控、容量規劃等專案。每天的活動是種「苦勞」,消除這些苦勞就是您的專案目標。當然免不了還是會有一些「苦勞」要做。重要的是,對於工作的總體理解。 - [Daily linux admin activities/task](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxadmin/comments/m95t08/daily_linux_admin_activitiestask/) - [SRE Books](https://sre.google/books/) ::: <!-- 文件的格式 --> {%hackmd rk0twfXqkx %} <!-- 目錄及檔案 --> {%hackmd BJ67dzX9kx %} <!-- vim: ft=markdown ic noet norl wrap sw=4 ts=8 sts=4: -->